Sunday, January 22, 2017

Hour 24 Update

Book(s) read since last update: Scarlet and Gone Gir
Number of pages read since last update: 48pgs; 2h.21m.
Total pages read during read-a-thon: 754pgs.; 9h.2m.
Books finished: House of Hades
Comments/reviews: I have completed all 24 of my hours. I completed 1 book, got almost halfway through another, and read a chunk of another. Overall, I think this was a successful Readathon. Looking forward to the next one! And here's my closing survey.

  1. How many books did you read? Pages? (If you didn’t keep track, tell me that too!) 3 different books. Finished 1.
  2. How many hours did you read? 24!
  3. What do you think worked well in this readathon? I liked some of the challenges and I really loved the whole 48 hrs. to read a total 24 hrs.
  4. What do you think could be done to improve the readathon for next time? I'm not sure. I really liked it.
  5. Will you participate in a future 24in48 readathon? Most definitely and one I'll try to be active on social media next time. Just stuck to my blog this time around.

Hour 21 Update

Book(s) read since last update: Scarlet by Marissa Meyers and Gone Girl
Number of pages read since last update: 133pgs; 13min.
Total pages read during read-a-thon: 706pgs; 6h.41m.
Books finished: House of Hades
Comments/reviews: Just 3 more hours left! Started Scarlet and listened to a little bit of Gone Girl.

Hour 18 Update

Book(s) read since last update: House of Hades and Gone Girl
Number of pages read since last update: 36pgs; 2h.36min
Total pages read during read-a-thon: 573pgs; 6h.28m.
Books finished: House of Hades
Comments/reviews: I finished House of Hades! Another bonus: I won a door prize! Yeah! Starting Scarlet now and continuing Gone Girl.

Hour 15 Update

Book(s) read since last update: House of Hades
Number of pages read since last update: 142pgs
Total pages read during read-a-thon: 537pgs; 3h.52m.
Books finished: none yet
Comments/reviews: I'm back at it today. I started a little earlier than 8am to cover some of the gaps that will come up. Almost done with House of Hades!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Hour 12 Update

Book(s) read since last update: House of Hades and Gone Girl
Number of pages read since last update: 92pgs; 1h. 17m.
Total pages read during read-a-thon: 395pgs.; 3h. 52m.
Books finished: none yet
Comments/reviews: So that's the end of my reading for day 1. I will definitely be finishing House of Hades tomorrow so I can start Scarlet by Marissa Meyers. I'm having so much fun with this readathon so far. Its a different way of readathoning by using the stopwatch. :) Be sure to come back tomorrow morning at 8am EST when I start up again. I'm going to start earlier so I make sure I finish in time. I took a lot of breaks today so my reading went a little later than planned. Until tomorrow TTFN.

Hour 9 Update

Book(s) read since last update: House of Hades and Gone Girl
Number of pages read since last update: 85pgs; 1h. 14m.
Total pages read during read-a-thon: 303pgs; 2h. 35m.
Books finished: none
Comments/reviews: Just 3 more hours today. Over half way done with House of Hades!
I'm doing my first challenge of the readathon. The challenge is to make a poem with book spines. Here's mine:

City of Glass
Throne of Glass
Scarlet The Last Star
Left Behind

Hour 6 Update

Book(s) read since last update: House of Hades; Gone Girl by Gilliam Flynn
Number of pages read since last update: 84pgs; 1h.21m.
Total pages read during read-a-thon: 218pgs; 1.21m.
Books finished: none
Comments/reviews: Still reading House of Hades and started listening to Gone Girl. Did some chores while listening to the audio book. Going to craft now listening to the audio book.

Hour 3 Update

I have been reading for 3 hours now so here's my first update.

Book(s) read since last update: House of Hades by Rick Riordan
Number of pages read since last update: 134pgs
Total pages read during read-a-thon: 134pgs
Books finished: none
Comments/reviews: 3 hours done just 9 more for today. As was suggested, I'm using a stopwatch on my Kindle to make sure I'm reading for a full 24hrs. Onto the next 3 hours. :)

Start of Readathon!

Today's the day the 24 in 48 Readathon starts. It has already started for some but I'm going to start my 12 hours for today soon. To start the day, I'll complete the questionnaire that the readathons website had.

  1. Where in the world are you reading from this weekend? Western New York
  2. Have you done the 24in48 readathon before? Nope
  3. Where did you hear about the readathon, if it is your first? My mom saw it on Facebook and told me about it.
  4. What book are you most excited about reading this weekend? House of Hades
  5. Tell us something about yourself. I love Disney whether it be movies, shows, or parks.
  6. Remind us where to find you online this weekend. Right here on my blog.

Be sure to check back here periodically during the weekend to check on my status.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

More Reading Fun

Hey everyone! Recently I discovered another 24 hour readathon that sounds too fun to pass up on. Its called the 24 in 48 Readathon. The goal of this readathon is to read a total of 24 hours in a 48 hour period. The next readathon happens on January 21-22. I have chosen to read 12 hours one day and 12 the next. I have also gotten together a couple of books I plan to read those days. Here's my small TBR:

The currently planned books are House of Hades by Rick Riordan (which will be the main book I'll be reading) and Scarlet by Marissa Meyers. These could change depending on whether I finish Throne of Glass by the readathon (which I should since it seems like a can't put down book) or if I get one of the audiobooks I currently have a hold on at my library. I'll update this post if my TBR changes. Be sure to come back here on January 21st to check out my progress during the readathon. TTFN Ta ta for now.